I just wanted to share these cards that I just made and will be listing in my shop hopefully tonight. I am having such fun with them but unfortunately ran out of time due to football practice. Oh how I wish they had outlets at football fields!
I was going through some photos and forgot that I had taken this picture on our way into Manhattan one day during the summer. Looks like they even added a tieback to the front window!
Now don't you all start rummaging through your stashes of pretty fabrics and trims! ;)
Today is my sweet nieces 1st Birthday!!!!! The party isn't until Sunday but in the meantime I wanted to share some of the favors that I made. We weren't sure about a theme until my sister-in-law showed me her pretty pink dress. She added a brown and white polka dot sash to it and that got us going on a pink and brown theme. I made these nut cups and filled them with these... My pal Ellen had these cards in her Etsyshop and I fell in love with them because the little girl in the picture resembles Natalia! I also just went up into my attic and unpacked this little child's mug. My Aunt gave it to me when I was little and now I am passing it on to my niece. Now I'm off to see my sweet girl and bring her some birthday flowers (even though I know she doesn't have a clue!).
In about 3 hours I will be taking this little guy to his Kindergarten orientation. At this time tomorrow I will be waking him up to go to his first day of school....my first day of being all alone in 9 years! I was never one to rush my kids back off to school during vacations, but by the end of this one, I was done, they were done...we were all done!!! It's officially time to get back to some sort of schedule and routine. But this morning I woke up feeling incredibly guilty. Did I yell too much? Did I do enough with them? Will they remember this summer vacation with fond memories? As exciting it is to get a piece of myself back, I am afraid it's all gone just way too fast! I thought I had so much time before the day came that all three of them would be in school all day... and now it's here. The house is going to be so quiet. Even though when 3:30 comes around it will be complete chaos...it's just going to be so darn quiet all day.
Well, before I zap out the keyboard with my tears, I thought I would share some pictures of where we spent most of our summer vacation...my backyard!