First....Wasn't Karla's Holiday party just wonderful!!???? The only problem was that it kept me from doing anything all day...I couldn't stop looking! I really hope she makes it a tradition every year, I truly enjoyed it....Thanks Karla!!! I also want to thank everyone for their sweet, sweet comments...I feel so special! Don't forget to come back Monday to see who wins my first giveaway!
Second...I am as sick as a dog!!!! It's awful to be sick at this time of year. I started out early on Thursday shopping. When I came out of the mall, I was in the middle of a sleety, slushy, snowy storm! Of course I didn't go home, I just kept on going in and out of stores all day.
Yesterday we suprised our kids by taking them out of school early and bringing them into the city. We brought them to Macy's to see Santa...

This tree was singing Christmas songs...I don't know if it's just me but I think he looks like Will Ferrell.

...sneaking a peek at the big man. I have to cute is that?
Santa was so wonderful to them!!! For a second, while I was watching them talking to him, I had a "mother moment"! I thought for a minute, "Wow, I can't believe that they are actually mine!"

Tonight, I went to Old Bethpage Village Restoration with my sister-in-law and boys allowed! We've made it a tradition every year. It's an old restored village from the late 1700's to early 1800's. Every year they have candlelight evenings during Christmas where the village is only lit by candlelight. You can bring a lantern if you want to. It really is extremely dark!
I know my pictures are horrible but I just couldn't get my camera to cooperate in the dark. So the pictures really don't do it justice of just how quant it really is!

Here in the church, they read some Christmas poems and stories from that era.

A "typical" Victorian Christmas tree.

Near the Noon Inn where you can buy hot muled cider and ginger snap cookies for a dollar, you can sit outside at the bonfire. It's hard to see, but they make the cider in the kettle. Throughout the evening there is a brass quartet that walks through the village playing Christmas music.
So now I have lost my voice, I guess being in the city and out again tonight in the freezing cold didn't help, but how could I not...It's CHRISTMAS!!!!!!