I think that I may have mentioned before that my father makes furniture. Not by trade but by hobby. Self taught I might add! When I was little every Christmas he made me a gift. One year a stove, oven and sink another year a refrigerator. Also a dollhouse that had more detail and better mouldings than my house does now! When I got a little older, he made me a desk and as a teenager, a dressing table. Now that I have my own home he makes me furniture. When I am looking for a certain piece, I always shop around first. Usually I have something in mind that just seems impossible to find and that is when I ask Daddy! What I wanted was a piece of furniture to go under the TV in my den. But most of the cabinets I found were too short. I wanted something along the lines of a buffet or sideboard. The other detail that was just impossible to find was a place for the cable box and video games that wasn't closed behind a door. This is what we came up with. He makes the furniture and my hubby and I finish it. The first photo was taken when my husband was sanding it. He painted the base and stained the top. He sealed it with the same finish that he used on our butcher block. This den is for our boys and everything in it needs to be tough!
Friends and family are always asking how I finish my furniture so I thought I would do a little tutorial. I like to make my furniture look warn but hate it when it looks obvious that you've tried. To me, there is more to it than sanding off a little paint. What I do is take a scraper and rub it along the edges. Even dig it into a few places. I make sure to get into any grooves. the pic below shows that but I now realize it's a little hard to see. Here is a close up of the sanding and scraping.
I dip a sponge brush into some stain and push into the corners and creases.I let it drip down so it gets into the grooves.Then pat it and rub some off with a rag until I'm happy with it. If you let it seep into the grooves it just makes it appear older and dirtier. In this spot I just tapped it with the sponge a bit.
Aren't I lucky to have such a talented father? On top if that, I have a husband that doesn't mind painting. What more can a girl want!!??
My friend you are blessed indeed! Love that piece.
You are sooooo lucky, girl! Wow, self-taught? your father is a natural master craftsman! That is one nice piece. And I love what you've done with it. It's really got that look you were going for - naturally worn-in.
Oh yes you're lucky! That's gorgeous, before and after!
Love that piece. My dad makes furniture for a hobby too.
gorgeous!! your dad is so talented! so are you! thanks for the tutorial! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!! big hugs!! xo Britt :-)
Everyone involved did a wonderful job! It's beautiful!
You're so right, it's hard, if not impossible to find just the right TV cabinet.
Thank you for the tutorial. I agree with you, I hate when the paint is rubbed off in places it wouldn't naturally rub. You did make it look natural. Now, did you use oil based paint?
Fantastic!!! Really wonderful piece!!!!
I wanted to tell you that I am hoping to organize a day trip up to Jennifer Paganelli's Sis Boom Winter Event this December! I'd love to rent a van for the day and maybe gather up some local blogger friends!! Maybe you'd wanna come? I have a list of some gals in the area, that we'd (me and Aaron) love to meet in person!
I'll keep in touch!
Ohh....I am on blogger now! Quite bittersweet. Darn AOL!
xoxo Jenny
Oh I love it. I have some wonderful pieces from my dad. I am going to paint some chairs and I am going to try this~ Have a great weekend.
You are lucky! Between the 3 of you ~you could all go into business! That's awesome quality furniture. Thanks for the tutorial~
That's so neat you have pieces that your father hand crafted himself. And...then that you are to give it a finishing touch!
Vintage Lily
Lucky you to still have your father, and a very talented one at that!
I'm so glad you showed how you did this. It's awsome! I am going to try this technique on a piece of furniture that I've had for a while.
That is a fabulous cabinet!
Wow, this cabinet turned out great. Love the distressed look - thanks for the tutorial too!
Indeed, you are so lucky! Wish I had a cabinet making father! What a great skill! I like how you distress the furniture too, it turns out really nice.
Wow, are you lucky! It looks great. My (late)dad used to like to shop antique stores and he would bring me goodies that he thought I would like. He was always right!
You are such a lucky girl!! It turned out fabulous!! Love it!!
I love the furniture. I just wandered over from Cherry's Jubilee. I have to tell you my dad made furniture too. He has passed away at way to young an age. I cherish each piece he made. I am sure you do the same. I love to tell people "my dad made that for me". It keeps him part of my home. Thanks for the reminder that handy dads are super special, and hubby's who are willing to paint are worth their weight in gold! Mine does the heavy lifting!
oops, forgot to mention. Something my dad did not do and I wish he had, was to sign the bottms, maybe with a little thought too. Just a thought.
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