Friday, November 21, 2008


After a few requests and knowing how I also wonder what the face behind the blog looks like, I did it! I took this crummy, blurry, off centered, self portrait of myself. But you get the idea! Really though, it has been so fun reading about and seeing so many pictures from Silver Bella! It has also been so nice to finally see some faces and think, "that's just what I pictured her to look like!" Is this how you pictured me to look like?


Cindy said...

Awwwwww, how cute are you? I think its a good pic, ok a little blurry...but so fun to "meet ya"!


Sarah said...

Nice to "see ya"!
Vintage Lily

Anonymous said...

Brave sweet girl....I can't do it! You are lovely and it truly is nice to put a face to the blog!

Monica said...

Nice to see you Jennifer!
as beautiful as you are sweet!!
have a great weekend :)

Lisa Kettell said...

This picture is awesome, you look amazing!
Magic and Joy!

Boxwood Cottage said...

So glad that you have a blog too Jennifer! I was always wondering if you have one but seeing that there was no link in your flickr profile I thought you hadn't. Should have asked you before. So nice to see you, you look as beautiful as I thought!
Warmest wishes from Boxwood Cottage sends you
Carola xox
P.S: I'll put you in my google reader now!