That was fun! Can't wait to see everyone's buttons!
I just realized today that this is my 49th post! I think for my next post I will have a giveaway. Have few ideas for what it may be. I know it's not my 100th post but what the heck...stay tuned...
That was fun! Can't wait to see everyone's buttons!
I just realized today that this is my 49th post! I think for my next post I will have a giveaway. Have few ideas for what it may be. I know it's not my 100th post but what the heck...stay tuned...
My post about ironstone I will save for another day. For now, I'm off to get three dirty little boys in the shower...
This bunny came along with the ironstone dish that my Aunt sent. Last year she sent me the basket behind him. I just realized (and bet she didn't either) that they match.
Okay, now I really have to get off this computer and finish getting ready for Florida. I have an issue with having to make sure that the house is very tidy before we go! The last two times we went to Florida we were woken up by the limo driver knocking on the door. Needless to say, the house and us were a huge mess! I am almost afraid to go to sleep tomorrow night!
Little trinket boxes and dishes. These are Victorian and used to have gold paint on the edges. Sometimes you find dishes with some flowers painted on them also. I don't care too much for the gold on the edges so the more warn off the better for me! But they used to be very ornate.
These aren't as opaque as 60's milk glass, you can see the light right through them. They are very delicate and the detail on the edges are beautiful and I think that is what attracts me to them.
I keep it all in my bedroom. This wall was a perfect size to display some of the trays. Four years and not one of them has fallen off...I'm amazed! I keep a lot of pieces on my dresser also and in the early morning my cat jumps on the dresser to wake us up. Unfortunately, some dishes or boxes have fallen to their deaths while Bailey thinks "that will get them up!"
Just thought I would share another one of my obsessions!