Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Tags

I finally opened my Etsy shop, ACharmingStore and am looking forward to finally showing some of my "goodies". Here is a preview of what I listed today.

Thanks and have a good one!


Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

Just discovered your blog and have enjoyed it! You should do well on Etsy. Those tags are just precious.

The Christmas decorations you weren't going to buy? Those are the same ones I'd buy if I saw them. Only I'd never say I'm not going to buy any Christmas ornaments. I was under the impression you can never have enough vintage Christmas ornaments!

Jen Kershner said...

Jennifer- Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for posting your sweet comment. I L-O-V-E your blog. Keep up the great work. I will add you to my bloglines list so I can remember to come back and visit often. Jen

Anonymous said...

Your blog is delightful Jennifer, I just love all of your pictures. I will have to add you to my sidebar link list! :)

p.s. These tags are gorgeous!

TinaTx said...

Hello Jennifer! Congrats on your blog - it's wonderful. I've added you to my reader so I can keep up with new posts (although since I have over 200 new posts this morning I don't know if 'keeping up' is the right term to use!)
Enjoy those boys, they really do grow up fast. I have 3 boys too but my baby will be 21 on Sunday. Really, where does the time go?