Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cape May

I can't believe it's been over a week since my last post. I actually forgot my password while signing into Blogger. Anyway, we had our first mini vacation of the summer. Early Friday morning my dad, myself, kids and my brother and his family drove down to Cape May, New Jersey. Such a quaint little seaside town! The only bummer was that my husband was on a last minute business trip all week and couldn't make it. Saturday we went to Atlantic City. I don't gamble but it was alot of fun anyway. Such excitement all around. The beach, boardwalk and a great little carnival that was on the boardwalk. The weather all weekend was so odd though. Hot and sunny one minute and then rain and hail the next...and then it was sunny again...didn't matter though, we had a lot of fun! I went to a great little antique shop in Cape May. It was small but so many goodies in that little shop, I could have spent hours in there. I found this sweet teeny tiny little baby doll bracelet...will have to make something cute with that! I also got my mitts on a big box of old greeting cards for $10. I'm usually pretty picky with vintage cards because I have to LOVE the graphics. Most of these are great with great details! These baby cards have such pretty netting on them!

Some had great roses with glitter on them and they are in perfect condition too! I'm tempted to cut some of them and make new cards out of them but before I do, I am going to make some color copies.
I love, love, love collecting old buckles. These I had but while in NJ I found the tiniest two buckles...I don't even know if this picture really shows just how tiny they are but believe me...teeny, like the size of my pinky nail teeny!
This little doll has nothing to do with anything except that it was mine when I was little. It was still at my parents house and I just took her home with me the other day. Isn't she a cutie?!


Magnolia Street Style said...

You make me want to sing a rendition of On the Way to Cape May. I'm glad you had fun. I haven't been there in a few years. I would love to tour the Victorian homes.

Anonymous said...

those are uber cool belt buckles.

Port Orchard florist

Sarah said...

Fun finds....but that doll...oh so cute!
Vintage Lily

Sarah said...

Fun finds....but that doll...oh so cute!
Vintage Lily

Sherri said...

what wonderful finds, and I'm sure your little doll is happy to be home where you are.

Nancy Hood said...

What beautiful snapshots!! Glad you had a good time and that you remembered your password!! ;)

Birds of a Feather said...

a fun mini trip! love the wares in that shop, so sweet!xo h

Secondhandrose said...

Oh, I love Cape May. Have been there several times and stayed at several B&B's. Glad you got to go and enjoy yourself. Come for a visit.

Andrea said...

sounds like alot of fun!!

Bristol said...

That looks like a great time. Love the buckles~

Brook said...

I love your old finds! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

Georgia Peachez said...

Oh, Cape May is such a lovely little place! Your post brings back some fond memories with my boyfriend (Mrpeachez now)! xo, suzy

Anonymous said...

great finds! I love Cape May. Those buckles and baby cards are so sweet!