I know, I know, bad blogger!!! May has been a balancing act for me and I am having trouble with managing my time I guess. My yard is pretty big and when the spring comes I spend alot of time planting flowers and getting it ready because I know for the next four months (at least) we will be spending every day out there. And my boys...boy oh boy do they keep me busy!!! I should start a blog just writing about the daily adventures with them!!!! My youngest will be having his pre-school graduation in two weeks and everyday walks around the house singing the songs that they've been practicing. One of them is "A Few of My Favorite Things". So I thought I would post some pictures of some of my favorite things in my home.
Currently, I am lovin' this little spot in my kitchen. It came together by accident. The chalkboard was hanging but a few months ago I took it down and placed it here because my husband was doing some work in there. I haven't moved it since. The jars did have some treats in them but since the kids gobbled up the treats, I like them better empty now. The empty frame was a recent purchase and I really do have a place I want to hang it but for now...it's staying!
I always, always wanted one of these baskets. For years I searched Ebay and antique shops and could never find one. Just as we moved into this house I found it!!!!! It was a housewarming gift to myself!
I absolutely LOVE this old "antiques" sign! Not only does it say antiques (one of my favorite words!) it is PINK!!!!
Vintage pottery
If you have tole trays you want to hang on the wall, I found these great magnetic hangers on Ebay. Look under...magnetic tray wall holder. They're cheap and they work great!
I just love these frames! They are from Obrien and Schridde. The photos aren't mine...they came with the frames but everyone thinks they are mine! ;)
For now these are just a few of my favorite things!
I've also been slacking with my Etsy shop. I have so many ideas that I can't get to that I am actually forgetting some of them. Right now I'm loving these vintage playing cards! Little by little I've been making some cards and tags. Hopefully I'll get them listed on day soon!

Well everyone, hope you all have a nice weekend!