Thursday, May 15, 2008

we'll miss you Grandpa!

My grandpa passed away in his sleep Monday night while at the hospital. He would have been 95 next month. Up until 2 weeks ago he was still living alone, cooking and taking care of himself and was as sharp as a tack.

He came here (Ellis Island) from Italy when he was two. Lived in Brooklyn which is where my father and his two brothers and sister grew up. He owned a luncheonette (where the above photo was taken) until he retired. He was as cute as a button and always reminded everyone of Bert Lahr...the lion from The Wizard of Oz.

This photo was just taken at my nieces Baptism in January.

His funeral is Saturday...we'll miss you Grandpa and Great Grandpa!

While all this was happening the nurse from school called Monday afternoon to tell us that my six-year-old hurt his finger in school but she thought it was fine. When he came home and we asked what happened he said that his friend "high-fived" him in gym. By that night it was pretty swollen. I decided to take him to the Dr on Tuesday morning just to be safe.
From the Pediatrician to the Orthopedic who told me it was indeed broken...badly bad he needed to see a hand specialist. Tomorrow he is having surgery on his little left pinkie. The bone split, twisted and went up into the joint. He will reset it and put some pins in it. It kills me that his cute little pinkie will now have a long scar on it and he will have to wear a cast for six weeks...all from a "high-five". We told him that for now on he should just give hand shakes!


Becky said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Sarah said...

Jennifer, thanks for sharing about your grandfather. He looks like he lived an amazing 95 years. Love the picture of him in his diner. I enlarged the picture to see everything....the sunglasses, the magazine on the counter. I love old photographs of the ones we see everything in the photo and try to imagine what it must have been like. Will be thinking of you and your family.

Sandy said...

My heart and prayers go out to you and your family for the loss of your grandfather and for your son's injury.

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

So sorry for your loss Jenn...what a handsome man your grandfather is. It is always when we lose someone we can so clearly see the imprints they left behind. I love that photo of him in the diner too.

Hope your little guy does ok!!! oh, it will be harder for Mom I think.

xo heather

Monica said...

Jennifer so sorry to hear about your grandfather, he sounded like a wonderful and spirited man. I will be thinking of you.
Your poor little guy, hes a tough one to just be able to shake it off the way he did!
Hugs to you girl :)

Anonymous said...

oh jennifer,

i'm so sorry. your grandpa looked like a sweet man. prayers to you and your family, and an extra hug for your little boy.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss. I am sure you'll miss him. I love the old photos of him. Sorry about your little guy too- who knew? Keep us posted.

Cindy said...

So saddened to hear about your Granpa! He looked like a dear heart! And 95! Blessed indeed. I will keep ya in my thoughts and prayers honey. And that poor pinki! All due to a high five. Poor guy. Hope they can get him on the mend and he will do so quickly. What a week you had.

Take care,

Linda said...

Hi Jennifer,
I'm so sorry you are having such a bad week. Sounds like your grandpa lead a wonderful life, my thoughts are with you. Wow I didn't know that you could break your finger doing a high five, although my Aunt did break hers really badly at yoga and my Mother in law just got out of hospital after almost losing her thumb due to her artifical fingernails. I hope that your son feels better soon.
Cheers Linda

Cape Cod Washashore said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a sweet man your Grandpa obviously was! He really does remind me of Bert Lahr! =)

Hope your little one is doing much better now, too!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Jennifer,

I LOVE your beautiful blog and will ba back to visit.

I am so sorry about your dear Grandfather. Hold those memories close to your heart.

ANd your sweet little boy! I hope he is doing well from surgery. Bless his heart and little finger!


Magnolia Street Style said...

I am sorry about the loss of your grandfather. From the pictures he was "as cute as a button". We could all be so lucky to live a long, full and independant life as he did. He was truly an inspiration that anything is possible.

Take care,

Kim said...

I am very sorry for your loss of your granddad, I hope your good memories are strong and sure. He looks like a fine man from his photos, I am glad you have those too. I am also sorry about your little cutie, broken finger and all. That is the age my daughter broke her toe, but she was 13 (and had broken 3 more bones) before she had to have surgery and titanium screws! Good luck to you both... It only gets better!

Margo said...

Jennifer - Thank you for the kind comment on my blog. I'm so glad we found each other! I love your blog and your etsy shop is wonderful!
I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have great memories of your grandfather. Hope your little buddy is doing better too!

Jennifer said...

blessings and comfort for you and your family during this time. and i hope your young one's hand heals up nicely. take care,


joyh82 said...

So sorry for your loss.
Hope your son's pinky heals quickly. This happened to my dd and she didn't have surgery and her pinky still doesn't look right. Maybe we didn't take her to the right kind of doc.